One of the most important things to understand about the logistics industry, especially when you’re talking about last-mile delivery for industries like retail or grocery stores, is that things are getting more competitive all the time.
Every day, it seems like a new organization similar to yours has opened nearby. They likely offer similar products and services. You’re competing for the attention of the same group of people. But while there may be a lot of people who do what you do… nobody does what you do quite like how you do it, which is why real-time visibility logistics is of paramount importance.
Real-time visibility in logistics is in service of the most important factor of all: the quality of the experience you’re able to offer customers. That in and of itself can quickly become the key value differentiator between yours and every other similar organization in a particular area, cementing a significant competitive advantage for yourself at the exact same time.
The Benefits of Predictive Technology: Breaking Things Down
When you have a solution that offers real-time visibility for logistics operations like Glympse, you unlock a number of core benefits, all at the exact same time. Note that in addition to GPS tracking, Glympse also offers two-way customer communications, partner integration capabilities, security functionality, and more.

Perhaps the biggest advantage that such a solution brings with it has to do with the reduced expenses you get to enjoy almost immediately. When you make a predictive ETA (estimated time to arrival) available to customers soon after they’ve placed their order, it reduces uncertainty on their part. When all partners in the supply chain also know where a particular item is at any given time, it also keeps things running as smoothly as possible – thus reducing waste and lowering overhead as well.
Of course, when you have access to real-time tracking information like this, you also enjoy the benefit of better forecasting across the board. You’re in an ideal position to plan ahead and make more informed decisions thanks to the fact that you’re working with complete knowledge of when inventory will get there. You don’t have to make an “educated guess” as to when an item will get from “Point A” to “Point B” because you’ll know beyond the shadow of a doubt.

In an over-arching sense, this type of technology also offers enhanced visibility for any organization. If you know where items are precisely, you can plan ahead of time for any issues and mitigate the potential risk they might cause as much as possible.
This type of real-time visibility in logistics also offers simplified complexity. A solution like Glympse brings various data sources together, allowing them to become a “single source of truth” for your enterprise. You (and your customers) get a cohesive view of a shipment’s journey, all so that both parties can make the best decisions possible given the reality of the situation.
Finally, another major advantage that real-time visibility in logistics has to offer involves dramatically improved customer service as previously mentioned. But in addition to out-performing your competitors, the technology also allows you to gain a better understanding of where goods are and when they will arrive. This allows you to correctly manage customer expectations, showing people the personalized level of care and attention-to-detail that they have come to expect in the modern era.
The Glympse Approach

If this level of visibility sounds like exactly what your organization has been missing, don’t worry: Glympse is here to help.
At its core, Glympse is a solution that offers real-time, location-based applications and solutions that make sure that information always makes its way to the right people at exactly the right time. It brings businesses and customers together in a way that creates a quality, unified experience – one built on transparency above all else. Things like real-time ETAs always keep customers informed as to where their essential items are. Businesses always know what an order’s status is and what needs to be done to exceed expectations. All of this leads to more efficiency in your operations, which in and of itself is the most important benefit of all.
If you’d like to find out more information about the benefits of real-time location visibility and intelligence in logistics, or if you have any additional questions that you’d like to go over with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t delay – contact the Glympse team today.